Journal / Recipes

Easy recipes for every day, tried & tested by our Community

28 Sep, 2021

Welcome to our MPowder community - it's great to have you with us during your menopause journey.

28 Sep, 2021

It's my pleasure to be here to help and support you with anything you may need along the way. The feedback we receive from the wonderful women in our community is so insightful and super useful. I love every conversation I have! Being connected to you all whilst you’re taking our powders is a constant reminder of the realities of living through the menopause. And this is all for the greater good, as every nugget I learn builds on my own experience of this time of life (I'm in the post menopause phase), which I pass on to others.

Providing a helping and understanding hand is what it's all about - for me and for MPowder. The wisdom from women in our menopause community is our bedrock, so I thought I’d share some of their top tips on taking our powders:

  • Keep it simple. It's a daily investment so your method of delivery needs to be easy and practical for your lifestyle.

  • Not got a mixer? Just use a super portable jam jar and give it a good old shake (pop in an ice cube if you've one to hand)

  • Think about the flavours you like - straight up with water? Maybe fruity, sweet, tangy? Or super ice cold?

  • Orange juice is a big hit. Not a citrus lover? Try some fresh raspberry or blueberry juice - and MANGO!

  • How about texture? Think about using a banana (perhaps with some cinnamon), frozen berries, avocado or almond butter - and don't forget mango!


"I freeze ripe bananas so I always have one on hand every morning" –Debra

"If you're adding a sweetener, maple syrup has proven the best in regard to hormone response." – Abi

  • Oats are your friend if your tummy takes time to adjust. Our powders pack a powerful punch and oats slow down absorption.

  • Speak to others in our community - they are just like you and keen to chat: "Thank you for what your mission has become. It’s very much needed in the world of women. Talking freely about ‘M’, is going to make women even more powerful." – Julie

Know that we're so much more than a supplement - we have extensive information you can access through articles, videos and workshops, to further educate your menopause journey. And we’re here, alongside our community, to help you find a blend that is right for you.

"I'd like to pass along that the biggest change that I've noticed in myself is feeling like I can handle what life is throwing at me at the moment. Which is pretty massive." – Heather

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